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(The Blog)

Warning: This is a blog. (Need I say more?)

Shane's World: U2 for Me, for free?

Monday, February 23, 2009

U2 for Me, for free?

I've enjoyed the music of U2 for many, many years. The last album they released was in 2004. (I heard a small part of it live in Auckland while we were there!) They have a new album being released early next month. So that's when you can get U2's new album. However, if you want to listen to it sooner...

While I usually prefer Facebook for networking and friends, I happened to check my account and saw an announcement. The powers that be have allowed the new U2 cd to be played for free on the U2 MySpace page for I don't know how long. I've only gotten to the third song so far but they haven't dissapointed yet.

Go here to listen.
